Monday, March 28, 2011

While I’m waiting….

"For I am waiting for you, O LORD. You must answer for me, O Lord my God." Psalms 38:15

Do you find yourself waiting? Waiting in line at the grocery store; waiting in the car pick up line; waiting at karate or ballet; waiting for the hot water heater to heat back up; waiting on finances to get better; waiting for your spouse to make the first move to say I'm sorry; waiting on a good test result from the doctor; waiting on God to answer your prayer….

….just WAITING.

We all find ourselves waiting for something every day and our loving, gracious and faithful Father is waiting on us.

There are so many things I see in my future but there are many things that I need to do to get to the other side, so while I'm waiting (studying, working, surviving...) I will worship my God.

Have you ever found yourself, wondering what God has planned for your life? You may be looking at your life and thinking there has to be more to this life.

Well I seem to find myself at that crossroad. I am human just like the rest of you and get frustrated, have pity parties, get upset with my children and have those oh so sweet growth opportunities with my husband (little sarcasm there). I can be very selfish at times and that just infuriates me that I let things get under my skin that much. I find that when I am really stressed that is when my sinful selfish side bores its ugly head and boy it can be ugly.

So I am here to say that I am a work in progress and while I'm waiting (working on letting God take over) I will continue to find good in all things, people and circumstances.

So I pray that while you are waiting, whatever you are waiting for that you will seek the guidance from God first, not from your friends. I know we all have some very Godly friends but He wants to hear from us and desires that personal, daily relationship with us.

Be faithful because He is faithful.


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